SERVICOM Bill: A Step at Improving Service Delivery in Kano State
Kano State SERVICOM Directorate obtained the approval of the Executive Governor to develop a draft bill in 2018, in its effort to ensure improved service delivery in Kano. The Directorate sought the support of DFID’s Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL) to develop an Executive draft bill that will provide the enabling environment to effectively deliver on its mandate.
The Permanent Secretary, Abdullahi Musa, announced at a session convened from 19-20 April 2019 to develop the draft bill, that service delivery in the state requires persistent prompting to guard against slipping into decay. SERVICOM therefore seeks to obtain strong backing to carry out vigilance visits and recommendation for service recovery and ensure sustained, improved service delivery for citizens in the state.
The event which had wide stakeholder participation from various MDAs, Kano State House of Assembly, Traditional Institution and Citizens groups took place at a retreat in Kaduna. During the session, the Secretary House Committee on Appropriation committed to facilitating the prompt passage of the bill into law.
Learnings were drawn from the situation of the SERVICOM Institute at Federal level on the importance of a policy that will guide the operationalization of the law. Kano State has a policy in place. This policy will be reviewed to buttress implementation of the law. It is expected that Kano initiative can be a model for strengthening service delivery vigilance approach empowered by a Law.