In line with DFID-PERL’s approach of facilitating cross-learning between constituent states in the region, South West states are actively engaging in knowledge sharing to improve governance systems. PERL, working with the Development Agenda for Western Nigeria (DAWN) Commission, has set up learning platforms and helped to strengthen existing ones to enable documentation of good practices for learning and replication towards improving service delivery. PERL is also strengthening DAWN Commission as a hub for knowledge sharing and learning. The Commission, a dedicated coordinating agency empowered by the Governments of the South West, coordinates reforms for sustainable development and regional integration. Using locally-led approaches, the Commission is supported by PERL to deliver the development aspirations of the region as espoused in the DAWN roadmap. In partnership with DAWN Commission, PERL supported the set up and/or resuscitation of five regional coordination platforms/mechanisms:
These platforms meet to reflect, share and learn for replication. Through DAWN Commission and other cross-learning platforms, South West States’ capacity to learn, adapt and improve on practices has been enhanced. These practices help to broaden governance impacts towards better service delivery. The State of Osun has adapted and implemented the methodology for conducting Citizens’ Needs Assessment from Ekiti State. The Citizens’ Needs Assessment methodology seeks to include community demands in the State’s planning and budgeting process. Leveraging the learning gained from the DAWN/PERL-supported Citizens’ Needs Assessment in Ekiti, Ekiti State government officials facilitated training sessions for officials of the State of Osun, to carry out the exercise. They also supported and facilitated field visits to the 30 Local Government Areas in the State of Osun. Other lessons shared among South West States through cross-learning include: