PERL-ARC Supports the Establishment of the Kaduna Reforms Sustainability Technical Committee
Since PERL-ARC’s inception in 2016, the programme has leveraged decades of FCDO investment in Kaduna to complement the efforts of the Kaduna State Government to reform its governance infrastructure. The government has demonstrated a commitment to the ongoing reforms evidenced in the systems and processes for policy-making, public financial management, public service management, and transparency initiatives in place since the current administration came into office. These improvement measures have strengthened the capacity of stakeholders across MDAs and altered how Kaduna’s public service operates. To ensure the gains associated with these reforms are not lost, PERL-ARC is providing Technical Assistance to the state through the Planning and Budget Commission. This partnership has since culminated in the inauguration of the Reforms Sustainability Technical Committee.
The Committee is tasked with ensuring the continued implementation of reforms across all sectors at the state and local government levels beyond the lifespan of the current administration. It comprises a Steering committee and four (4) Technical Committees (Policy & Strategy, Public Financial Management, Public Service Management, and Open Governance). The Steering Committee provides overall strategic planning, with membership comprising permanent secretaries (PS) drawn from relevant Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs). The chairmanship of the Committee rests with the Permanent Secretary of the Planning and Budget Commission. The technical committees are responsible for the sustained implementation of various reform initiatives across sectors.
PERL-ARC would continue providing technical backstopping to the Reforms Sustainability Technical Committee to support ongoing efforts targeted at strategically managing the transition process.